Minesweeper Solver

This simple python implementation is able to infer the solution from a minesweeper board. Consider the following board configuration:

We can respresent that board on the commandline by using a [.] notation. You should be able to get a solution by running:

$ minesweeper --timeout 3 --grid """
[2] [?] [1] [?]
[?] [?] [3] [?]
[3] [?] [?] [?]
[?] [1] [?] [1]

Expected output:

[2] [ ] [1] [ ]
[*] [*] [3] [ ]
[3] [*] [ ] [*]
[ ] [1] [ ] [1]


Install this application using pip directly referencing the dev branch from github:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/rhdzmota/minesweeper.git@dev#subdirectory=minesweeper&egg=minesweeper

Alteratively, you can clone this repository and install the minesweeper package with:

$ pip install -e minesweeper

Verify correct installation by running: minesweeper --help or python -m minesweeper --help

CLI Usage

Provide a grid with the following cell types:

  • [ ]: empty cell.
  • [?]: non-visible cell.
  • [*]: flagged cell.
  • [i]: cell with a number hint between 1 to 8 (e.g., [3], [1]).

You can solve any board configuration by running the --grid command:

$ minesweeper --timeout 3 --grid """
[3] [?] [2] [?]
[?] [?] [ ] [?]

Expected output:

[3] [*] [2] [ ]
[*] [*] [ ] [ ]

Package Usage

Once installed, you can also use this application as a python library.

Create a simple board:

from minesweeper.board import Grid, Cell

my_grid = Grid(
        [Cell.num(2), Cell.unk(), Cell.num(1), Cell.unk()],
        [Cell.unk(), Cell.unk(), Cell.num(3), Cell.unk()],
        [Cell.num(3), Cell.unk(), Cell.unk(), Cell.unk()],
        [Cell.unk(), Cell.num(1), Cell.unk(), Cell.num(1)]


You can solve a grid by using the Solver class:

from minesweeper.solver import Solver

solver = Solver(gird=my_grid)

if solver.finished():
  solution = solver.final_state
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